However you choose to feed, breast or bottle, a helping hand from our partners will often go a long way. If you are choosing to bottle feed, partners can become very involved in this and it can be worth creating a routine that works in sync with everyone! For example, your partner taking over on nights they do not have work the next day. You can and should guilt free get some extra sleep. Another option is setting hours. For example 7 pm – 12 am so you can get an early night and some solid sleep!
If you are breastfeeding, set up the room for ease and comfort with a nighttime feeding station near the side of the bed. This may include a water bottle, snacks, comfortable Seating, and a dim night light. This helps minimise disruption during nighttime feedings and will keep you hydrated when things are feeling exhausting. I left a box of snacks and bottles of water under my bedside cabinet and had to replace it regularly! After the morning feed, if you can, go and get back into bed and rest. Breastfeeding is hard work and frequent feeders can leave one exhausted mama!